Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Speaking of India...

David Seaton's News Links
We've just came home from seeing a film, "Darshan - The Embrace", about Amma, India's "hugging guru"...

According to the film Amma sees the divine in everyone and loves them... and so she hugs them. I think her record was on her 50th birthday, when she hugged over 29,000 people in 21 hours! Everybody looked like they were having a wonderful time and she didn't even charge admission.

India is to religion what Argentina is to soccer. Almost everybody, everywhere plays soccer reasonably well, and almost everybody, everywhere, worships in some way. Some people play soccer as well or better (sometimes) than the Argentinians, but nobody, but nobody anywhere, ever, talks and plays soccer better than Argentinians. And nobody, but nobody anywhere, ever, worships and talks religion like the Indians. Nobody, anywhere has as much fun with God as Indians do. DS


Anonymous said...

Germany 4:2 Argentina - 2006 World Cup.
Sorry just being a "Klugscheisser" ;-) (ask your wife what that means)

David Seaton's Newslinks said...

Klugscheisser" is a know-it-all. :^)